...for a maxi-pad to wipe the tears away. This is sickening. Resident Senate"Balladeer", Orrin Hatch (R-UT) recently penned a song honoring the Bootlegger's Boy from Taxachussetts, Ted Kennedy (D-MA). As we've all stood by this past year and watched the "distinguished Senator" battle a brain tumor with the assistance of only the finest doctors and specialists that a public, universal healthcare plan could provide, Senator Hatch wrote a song titled "Headed Home" for his "Special Friend". Here's just a sample of this reach-around for Teddy:
"Sailing home, sailing home. America, America, we're headed home at last." "Just honor him, honor him, and every fear will be a thing of the past."
Other Senate stalwarts like John Kerry, George Voinivich (pussy!) and Stenny Hoyer shed tears as big as horse turds over this slow-tempo ed, beltway opus. The Kopechne Family was unavailable for comment, unfortunately. Now there are plans to air this steaming pile of fecal-ity at the DNC in Denver next month. Just imagine how many times the tools from the mainstream media will try and shove this whole musical saga down the collective throat of those that dare tune in for the People's Party Message.
1 comment:
You know, Yid-man...I just wish you would get off the fence and REALLY tell me how you feel about Ted Kennedy...
Methinks you and Toni from Bear Creek Ledger should write his eulogy, when that sad day comes...
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