Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pondering my fellow Yids the day before Pesach

I just have one question to my fellow Israelites as we make our way to the Seder Table to recount our ancestor's days of suffering at the hand of Pharaoh: Why would any of us ever vote for Barack Hussein Messiah Obama??? We Semites are blessed to know that G_d has chosen us; he saw that he can get a lot of mileage out of us on the suffer-odometer. I can't speak for the Almighty's resolve for the Mainstream Media's golden boy, but, I do know that Barry-O is the choice for Dhimmi Carter's partners in peace, Hamas. Be sure to put that little fact in your yarmulke this weekend while you're shoveling matzah and cherosas.

1 comment:

Nigel said...

Have a blessed Passover, Yiddish. And I never understood why any faithful Yid would ever vote for a Democrat who thinks we can appease Israel's enemies...