Wednesday, December 12, 2007

When Jawas attack...

So by now I'm sure you've seen the latest moronic Ron Paul promo on youtube:

You only need to watch about the first 30 seconds of that to get the point.

Jawa Prick Vinnie responds and hilarity ensues:


Yiddish Steel said...

Word! I couldn't believe I sat thru 5 minutes of Troofer Tripe to get that retarded Ron Paul message from his minions. The Jawas hit that one out of the park.

Anonymous said...

So, Dr.Paul is using the local highschool computer clue for his cgi graphics now. Okay, just when you thought the laim could not get any laimer, surprise, it does.

Yiddish Steel said...

Everywhere the Ron Paul Tools leave their DNA, the get pwned.