Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

A Christmas Greeting from Eric Cartman:

Via friend and reluctant occasional reader KT, the San Diego Chargers send you their Christmas greeting...

Warmest Christmas wishes for all of my friends out in the blogosphere...Cranky Preston, Brian, Tiny and Annika at Six Meat Buffet...Vinnie and Merri...Potfry and Buckley (and Islamic Rage Boy) at The Nose on Your Face...John and Mrs. Wuzzadem at Wuzzadem...Michele at Cutting School, and the enchanting Woman of Abomination...Stacy at Still Stacy...Van Helsing at Moonbattery, Ace and all of the morons at Ace of Spades HQ...the Conservative Scalawag... Jaime at Eye of Polyphemus...Beth at MVRWC...all of the folks over at Hot Air...T-Man in Tennessee and Toni at Bear Creek Ledger.

Prayers go out to Linda at Something and Half of Something for both her and her brother...

And of course a huge Merry Christmas for my blog brother Yiddish Steel. Thanks for all of your great contributions. You can take tomorrow off...

I wrap up with thoughts from fellow rookie blogger and new blog friend Murphy Klasing:

The real gift at Christmas is that God made a way for us to take the burden of living with ourselves and our horrible inadequacies off our own back and place that burden in the manager instead. That little baby gladly takes that burden from you and replaces it with Joy, Contentment, Love and Peace. In exchange for those gifts He only asks that you Love Him and desire to know Him. All the yuck in your life will take care of itself once you surrender yourself to Him. We didn’t earn His Love nor do we deserve it–yet He gives it to us anyway. It isn’t easy–you have to surrender daily because you are after all human–and your real desire is to take back the reins and control your own path. Believe me–sometimes you have to surrender many times a day.

This Christmas let me make one suggestion—surrender all of your plans, hopes, and especially your expectations for this Holiday Season to the One that we are celebrating. Let Him give you peace and rest and relaxation this year–things with your family and friends may not go as you hope or expect so surrender those things to Him and experience the joy of a God who loves us so much He would rather die on a cross than see us perish.

Merry Christmas all. Amidst all the hustle and bustle of the Holidays, let's not forget the true meaning of Christmas:


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah to the TG211 Posse.

Though you've never experienced true camaraderie until you've celebrated a Tennessee Kwanzaa with the McMurphys.

Tman said...

Merry Christmas and all that other stuff to Nigel!

Our impending doom will have to wait until after the holidays.

Anonymous said...

And to you too as well my friend. T-minus 24 hours until I dive into the tequila.

WomanOfAbomination said...

Oh, that little Linus melted my abominable heart. Maybe I'll let you live for another week, but remember the hyenas must have their Christmas too.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Nigel--Hope your worst day in '08 beats your best day in '07!


Yiddish Steel said...

Merry Christmas Nigel. May you and your family participate in some quality "Santa Time". I'll be doing what all Jews do on Christmas Day... Go out for Chinese food and then go see a movie. Nah! Actually, me and my daughters are breaking from tradition and driving up to Snow Summit so they can rokk the snowboard for the first time. Ho-ho-hope no one tweaks a knee tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your's.

Anonymous said...

Hey Nigel & Yid. The best to you and the families.