Monday, February 25, 2008

"Religion of Peace" my left testicle

Just remember this if you ever hear that Islam is a "religion of peace". This is the poison that is being put into the minds of Palestinian children:

How sad and sick that Hamas is using cartoon-like characters to embrace violence. How tragic that Saraa (the young host) is actually looking forward to her "martyrdom." These poor children have no chance...

If male jihadists have 72 virgins to look forward to, what awaits Saraa in paradise? Sick, sick, sick...

Oh...and one more thing. Interestingly the rabbit is an "open borders" bunny...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know, maybe I'd be looking forward to martydom too if I had to appear in a red riding hood outfit on a set with an evil looking human-sized bunny.

Okay, I wouldn't and you are right--this is sick.