Friday, July 4, 2008

Freedom is... excellent Independence Day essay by Murphy Klasing (of CBS News 48 Hours fame):

It has taken many lives from Bunker Hill to Iwo Jima to Normandy to Korea to Vietnam to Iraq and beyond to obtain and maintain our freedoms. Many seek to destroy those freedoms, many seek to cast us into a pit of dependence and imprisonment. It was 40 years ago that a militant Muslim angry with our alliance with Israel shot and killed Robert Kennedy. Yes, terrorism began a long time ago and is still present today. So, this 4th of July I will say a long prayer for our troops. A prayer for their safety and thanks for their continued dilligence even in the face of would-be leaders who criticize them and belittle their efforts.

Finally-it is Freedom that allows you and I to disagree openly about politics, religion, the quality of the recent Indiana Jones movie. It is Freedom that allows me to worship at a Baptist Church and allows Americans, yes Americans to worship in a Mosque as well. It is Freedom that allows me to chose my profession and change it completely if I want to. It is Freedom that allows us to use our brains and make a wise decision about the future of our wonderful Nation, and the future of Freedom itself.

Go here to read all of it.


B Smith said...

Happy Independence Day, everyone !!
Long live the Revolution !!

Anonymous said...

Nikki says
yes let freedom ring and really keep it like a flame never to be estinguished by anyone, lets keep freedom like a shrinne , precious and fragile and unique to America

Nigel said...

I agree Nikki...except that I would posit that our freedom here is not fragile, but rather rugged and able to stand the test of time despite the hands of those who would erode it in the name of "progressive thought".