Saturday, November 15, 2008

Don't try this at your port of entry

Watch California public television icon Huell Howser help an illegal alien cross the border...and watch him violate the law about 4 times himself:

(Full disclosure...I watch this guy's show. Yes, I'm embarrassed.)


Yiddish Steel said...

I've never watched that dude's show. Where and when is it broadcast anyway? I've never even heard of Huell. But, my first impression is that the guy is a complete tool. Nice use of the passive-aggressive shenanigans with a U.S. Customs Officer.

Nigel said...

Yid, it's on PBS...usually at 11pm on various days. He does a "travelogue" of California. Last night's show had him traveling from Oceanside to La Jolla. He's a real goober, but a hell of a nice guy.

He is so excited and fascinated by the strangest things. He wasn't trying to piss off that Border Patrol agent...he was sincerely fascinated by the fact that he could with one step go back and forth between Mexico and California.

You should have seen his travelogue of Newberry Springs...if you don't know where that is, check out a California map...east of Barstow.

Yiddish Steel said...

Now you got me adding him to my DVR. I have to see what this dude is all about. I have a hard time watching anything on PBS except... maybe, NOVA.

I have been to Newberry Springs. It's right next to Ironwood. Low value target practice territory for the U.S. Marine Corps in the desert.

Nigel said...

Yid, don't blame me when you feel like you've just wasted an hour. I honestly don't know why I am hooked...

Joy McCann said...

The guy behind him didn't cross illegally; if you look in the background, there is clearly an official checkpoint there--it just happens to be on the Mexican side of the line. So, obviously, the bystander in the background and the vendor have been officially cleared to be in this country.

It's just one of those interesting thing, like finding the "Continental Divide" plaque and crossing over from the West to the Midwest over and over: good juvenile fun.

Nigel said...

Yeah...I didn't really post this to show an illegal alien crossing. I'm pretty sure that guy really wouldn't try to make a break for it...he was probably running to a car waiting to enter to sell something.

The real reason for the post was Huell Howser. The guy is SUCH a goober, he didn't realize that he was pissing off the border guard...but he's so nice it's almost impossible to get angry at him.