Monday, November 17, 2008

How Obama got elected

John Ziegler was on Hannity and Colmes tonight to pitch his upcoming documentary "How Obama Got Elected".

No suprise here:

Go here for more interesting data on Obama voters...

Flashback: More brilliance from Obama supporters.


B Smith said...

I agree. No surprise.
It's gonna be a looong four years.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream media created Obama-Mania (see a collection of articles on Obama-Mania at As John Ziegler’s Documentary shows, people who voted for Obama are misinformed or not informed at all about important issues.

On Oct. 30, 5 days before the election, the Center for Media and Public Affairs, an affiliate of the George Mason University, released its report "Networks Differ In Their Election Coverage". This nonpartisan organization finds the following:

"On the broadcast network newscasts, evaluations of Barack Obama and Joe Biden have been over twice as favorable as evaluations of John McCain and Sarah Palin– 65% positive versus 35% negative for the Democratic ticket compared to 31% positive versus 69% negative evaluations of the Republican ticket”. See more here: